March 10th we are 6 months pregnant! Hard to believe! Daddy Mike has been taking good care of us! This was a big month for us. I finished my last class for Grad school on March 30th and was able to stop working. I have been working from home online but I have been fortunate to have a replacement at work for me until the end of the school year. On March 16th, I developed gestational diabetes which has been an adjustment. Mike is doing a great job cooking for us four. I joined the Minnesota Valley Mothers of Multiples and have meet some wonderful women that have had triplets. It is so helpful hearing their stories and know it is possible. My cousin also has 10 year old triplets! Her daughter Jenna (one of the triplets) was our flower girl in our wedding. She stated to me that is what you get for having a triplet in your wedding!!!
The babies are growing great and doing very well. Baby A weight is 1lb 3oz, Baby B weight is 1lb 5 oz. and Baby C weight is 1lb 6 oz.
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