12 weeks old (12-16-2011) A & B are identical girls and C is a boy

Thursday, April 28, 2011

31 Weeks Pregnant

I am now going into the clinical twice a week for ultrasounds and OB visits. Babies are doing great. They are very active and you can see them moving in my tummy! Baby C weight is 3lbs 13oz, Baby B weight is 3lbs 8oz and Baby A is the peanut of the group weighing 2lbs 13 oz. We have to keep a close eye on Baby A as she is growing at a smaller rate. Her abdominal size is in the 8th percentile which is very low so we want to make sure she does not go into any distress. Everything else looks great on her but they will be watching her closely. Baby B kidneys have been a little concern throughout the pregnancy but it looks like they are doing just fine and nothing to worry about, just monitor.
We have been so blessed and hoping to make it to at least 34 weeks! They will deliver me at 36 weeks if the triplets decide to stay in me that long! They gave me 2 Betamethasone shots which is a steroid to help advance babies lungs, digestive tract, and brain just in case they decide to come early.
Keep praying for these miracles!


  1. I love this blog! Thanks for the updates and sharing the progress of these 3 little miracles.

    Love you guys,

  2. This is so wonderful!! You did a great job. See, that MANU technology course paid off. This is great to keep updated on the babies though I will still call or come over if you need anything. Take care and prayers are being sent your way.
